Mental Health Month and Heart Health Advocacy

Mental Health Month and Heart Health Advocacy

As a woman who has triumphed over a heart attack, I’m deeply passionate about the intersection of mental health and heart health, especially during this significant month of May, dedicated to raising awareness about mental health. Surviving a heart attack was a...
February is……

February is……

February holds a special significance for me as it is a month dedicated to both heart disease awareness and celebrating Black history. It serves as a poignant reminder to prioritize heart health and recognize the invaluable contributions of the Black community...
Mommy and Newborn, Meet SCAD Heart Attack

Mommy and Newborn, Meet SCAD Heart Attack

At 31, I had a spontaneous coronary artery dissection which caused me to have a heart attack. A widowmaker heart attack to be precise. Surviving that was the easy part compared to what I was about to encounter. Exactly two weeks prior, I had just given birth to my...